Application management : Tools : Configuration Transfer : Importing configuration : Importing PSS web definitions across property sets
Importing PSS web definitions across property sets
When exporting PSS web definitions, the corresponding site is also exported. When importing into another property set, the site and web definitions are recreated. Take the following steps if you want to import the web definitions into an existing site of another property set.
1. Go to Layout Manager > Sites business object and add the Import - export code field to the layout.
2. Go to PSS Manager > Edit sites.
3. Change the value of the Import - export code field to the site code of the property set into which you want to import the web definitions.
4. Go to Configuration Transfer and export the web definitions (for more information, see Select the PSS web definitions.
5. Switch to the destination property set and go to Configuration Transfer.
6. Import the zip file containing the export package.
Select the option Use current property set.
Your web definitions are imported into the existing site.