Changing funds
In Budget Management, to change the amount of a fund with the Open status, use a fund change / fund transfer.
Use a fund change to add money to the fund. Use a fund transfer to tranfer money from one fund to another. The funds are updated after the fund change / transfer is assigned the Approved status. To change the fund, the fund must be in the Open status. To transfer money between two funds, both funds (source and target) should be in the Open status.
The fund change / transfer is a user-defined bussiness object.
To modify a fund, proceed as follows:
1. Go to Budget categories > Fund modification step.
2. On the action menu, click Add Fund change/Add Fund transfer.
3. Complete the fields in the data section.
4. Click Save.
The fund is modified.
For information on the changing funds, see the Budget Management > Modifying a Fund.