Changing budgets
In Budget Management, to change the amount of a budget with the Open status, you can use a budget change or a budget transfer.
Use a budget change to add money to the budget. Use a budget transfer if you want to tranfer money from one budget to another. The budgets are updated after the budget change / transfer is assigned the Approved status. To change the budget, the budget must be in the Open status; to transfer money between two budgets, both budgets (source and target) must be in the Open status.
The budget change / transfer is a user-defined bussiness object.
To modify a budget, proceed as follows:
1. Go to Budget details > Budget modifications step.
2. On the action menu, click Add Budget changes/Add Budget transfers.
3. Complete the fields in the data section.
4. Click Save.
The budget is modified.
For information on the changing budgets, see Modifying a budget.