Financial Console
If the project is linked to a cost group structure it will be available in the Financial console. The Financial console is an overview of all budgets related to a capital project. The horizontal axis shows the project, the vertical axis shows the cost group structure. You can define a budget for each node (combination of a cost group item and project) .
The Financial console shows all budgets related to the project and will give a good overview of the budget status, the available amounts, the status of the projects and detailed information of the budgets.
The budget details are shown at the bottom of the console, for budget modifications and budget forecasts (commitments) it is possible to open a list that can be configured in Web Configuration .
The Financial console displays a list of capital projects linked to a cost group structure.
After selecting the project, an overview of all budgets related to the Capital project including the project and budget statuses will appear.
Screen capture of the Financial console with an overview of the linked budgets
By clicking a budget, the details of it are displayed at the bottom of the overview.
Click on a cell with a flag (such as budget modifications) to open a pop-up with all budget modifications of the budget.
For more information on the financial console, see Financial console.