Applying fixed price agreements
If you want to charge your customer an agreed fixed price on a specific order and not invoice the costs separately, use the following procedure:
1. Go to Work Orders .
2. At the Work orders selection level, select the order to which you want to apply a fixed price.
3. Go to Work order details > Order revenues.
4. On the action panel, click Add > General order revenues.
5. On the data panel, enter data in the relevant fields.
See Order revenues - fields for more information.
6. In the Revenue type field select Fixed price.
When revenues are generated, the field Invoiceable? is automatically set to No on the other revenue records linked to this order.
7. Click Save.
Only the fixed price will be invoiced to the customer. The data from the other revenue records can be used for analysis and internal reporting, but will not be invoiced.
The fixed price agreement does not overrule a Usage check or Warranty check. If the Fixed price field is set to No due to a usage or warranty check, the fixed price agreement is not applied.