Signing off jobs
Engineer's sign-off
If an engineer signs off his/her job, all materials that exist for the related order are displayed. This list may not have been synchronized and therefore be inaccurate. Only if all work assignments have been synchronized with the related order, can the system calculate the right amount of materials used.
Materials are not registered per work assignment, but per order. The materials displayed on an engineer's device are all the materials related to this order. They are considered 'to be used' unless they are returned.
Customer sign-off
The customer sign-off must be done on the job that is based on a key work assignment. The engineer to whom this key work assignment is assigned, is the Main responsible engineer for finishing the order. Newly added, used materials and requested / reserved materials will be listed on the customer sign-off. Materials added by others are only listed if they are synchronized. The main responsible engineer must make sure that all work assignments on this order are completed and the tap the Synchronize action before tapping Finish job.
On rare occasions, there still may be non-synchronized work assignments, due to engineers working offline. In that case the information on the customer sign-off is not completely accurate. For more information, see Synchronization between order and work assignment(s).
The maximum height of the Sign-off box (image) is limited to 10,500 pixels. If a job's Sign-off box contains many details, such as lengthy questionnaires, large numbers of activities, materials or labor hours, these may exceed the Sign-off image limit. As a consequence, the system will omit most of these details from the Sign-off image. However, basic job information and signature is always included in the sign-off image. Large comments will be limited to 2,000 characters.