Homepage fields
Enter a code to identify the homepage. The value you enter here will be part of the resulting URL.
Enter a description to identify the homepage.
Select the icon that must be displayed next to the title on the home page.
The URL of the homepage is created automatically when saving the homepage.
If an error occurs when opening the Web client, see Troubleshooting for a workaround.
Configurable by end user
By default the homepage configuration is enabled for end users. With the gadget library, they can add and remove gadgets from their homepage. Select No if you want to disable homepage configuration.
Override JS
Specify the location of the JavaScript file. This should be a URL to a file, with the following syntax:
This file should be publicly available. In order to test its availability, you can request it in your browser.
Override CSS
Specify the location of the CSS file. This should be a URL to a file, with the following syntax:
This file should be publicly available. In order to test its availability, you can request it in your browser.
Gadget width
Specify width of the gadgets in pixels. The default settings are displayed.
Gadget height
Specify height of the gadgets in pixels. The default settings are displayed.
Page title
Enter a home page title in various languages. Select the check box of the language(s) for which you want to provide a title and enter the title in the corresponding text box.
For more information, refer to Customizing translations.
Gadget filters
Filter type
Select the type of filter you want to configure for gadgets (lists and charts) on the homepage: Date-time or Selector. The following macros are supported to set default values:
&USERID - only for selectors of business object type User.
&PERSON - only for selectors of business object type Personnel.
&PERSON.ADDRESS - only for selectors of business object type Address.
&PERSON.COSTCENTER - only for selectors of business object type Cost center.
&PERSON.DEPARTMENT - only for selectors of business object type Department.
&PERSON.PROPERTY - only for selectors of business object type Property.
&PERSON.SPACE - only for selectors of business object type Space.
In Date-time filter types, all date-time macros (including rounding) are supported to set default values, for example: &DATE, &DATETIME, &STARTOFDAY. If you use the BETWEEN operator, a second field with a default value macro should be available.
End users cannot use macros in their configured Date-time filters.
In Selector filter types, you can filter on aspects of a business object. If you choose Selector, enter the selector by which gadgets must be filtered. The selector's code must match the selector code of the field(s) in the gadgets of your homepage. For example, if you have the Property field as search field on your gadgets, you have to provide the appropriate property selector code in this field so that there is a common field to filter on.
You can find the right selector code in Self-Service modules > Publisher by selecting a gadget definition that is on the homepage and going to its search block.
Operator configurable by end user
Select Yes if you want to allow end users to set the operators to be used in Date-time filters on the homepage. Select No if you only want back-office staff to set the filter's operators.
If you select Yes, an additional Operator field is displayed here for back-office staff, where they can select which operator must be applied to the filter: BETWEEN, =, <, >, <=, >= and <>.
If you select No, an Operator drop-down field is displayed on the gadget for end users. When selecting the date, they can select the operator: BETWEEN, =, <, >, <=, >= and <>.
Select the operator to be applied. This field is only displayed if the setting Operator configurable by end user is set to No.
Enter an appropriate label for the gadget filter in the selected language(s).
Selected date-time fields
Select the date-time field(s) to which the gadget filter operators should apply.
Applicable web definitions
Select the web definition(s) in which this gadget filter should be used.