Visitor - configuration fields
Add page
Specify the title, help text, and translations to be displayed on the web form. You can also select the actions you want perform after adding a visitor. The following actions are available:
Submit - adds the visitor.
Submit and set status to arrived - the status of the visitor is immediately changed to Arrived upon adding the visitor. This option is also valid when adding multiple visitors at the same time.
Save and add another - to add multiple visitors at the same time.
Cancel - the visitor is not added.
Add block
Specify the fields to be displayed on the web form for entering the visitor's data.
On the Visitor name > Speed add field select Yes to enable the reception desk employee to enter details of multiple visitors easily in one go. After submitting or saving the form, a visitor is created per name with the details filled in all the fields.
If you select No, the speed add feature will not be available to the user.
On the Speed add selector field property, select a selector, for example, comma, to separate the names in the Visitor name field.
You can also add fields for reserving a car parking space for a visitor.
For more details, see Adding a car park.
Parking area utilization
Specify the car park related fields that are to be displayed on the web form when you choose to have a car park. You can specify details such as: opening time, closing time, distance, number of parking spaces and available parking spaces.
In the Fixed filter field, you can create a filter based on which the car parks displayed are pre filtered.
Details page
Specify the title, help text, and translations to be displayed on the web form.
Details block
Specify the fields to be displayed when viewing information of a visitor.
Edit page
Specify the title, help text, and translations to be displayed on the web form.
Edit block
Specify the fields that can be edited while editing the information of a visitor.