Core TSIs : Turnover rent : Working with... : Defining turnover profiles
Defining turnover profiles
You can define a turnover profile for a specific lease contract line.
1. Go to Turnover rent - configuration > Turnover profiles > Contract lines.
2. Make sure that Turnover rent line? field of the lease contract line for which you want to define the turnover profile is set to Yes.
3. On the action panel, click Maintain turnover profile.
The Turnover profiles dialog box appears.
4. On the Turnover profiles action panel, click Add.
5. Enter the required information in the data fields. For more information, see Turnover profile fields.
6. Click Save.
7. On the Status transitions action panel, click Active.
You have now defined a turnover profile for a specific lease contract line. The Turnover profile field on the lease contract line is automatically populated with the turnover profile you just created.
If a profile changes over time, you can define a second profile on the turnover rent line. Planon automatically adjusts the start date and end date: the end date of the first profile = the start date of the second profile minus one day. If a profile is deleted, Planon will also automatically adjust the dates.