Core TSIs : Turnover rent : Working with... : Adding lease contracts
Adding lease contracts
1. Go to Turnover rent - configuration > Contracts.
2. On the action panel, click Add ....
3. On the data panel, enter the required information. See Contract fields.
4. Click Save.
5. Go to Turnover profiles > Contract lines to add the corresponding lease contract lines.
A turnover profile has a link to a lease contract because it is linked to a turnover rent line.
6. On the action panel, click Add....
7. On the data panel, enter the required information. Please note the following fields that are specific to turnover rent. For a description of the other fields, see Contract line fields.
Turnover rent line?: set this field to Yes. Setting this field to Yes makes the Maintain turnover profile action available (see Defining turnover profiles). If the lessee also pays a fixed rent in addition to the turnover rent, you must add a lease contract line for the fixed rent. In the Contract line for fixed rent field of the turnover rent line, enter a reference to the lease contract line for the fixed rent.
Amount: enter the amount of the prepayment in this field.
8. Click Save.
Some notes on working with contracts:
It is possible to deep copy a contract including the linked turnover profiles with all details. After clicking Copy in the action panel, the Copying… window appears in which you can select the option to copy linked turnover profiles.
You can use the Shift contract dates option to shift the dates of a contract, together with the dates of all linked subcontracts, contract lines and turnover profiles. The dates of contract options, contract actions and contractual terms are also automatically moved with the contract. If the contract dates are shifted, the start and end dates of linked turnover profiles will also shift:
- If you shift the contract start date, the start date of the turnover profile will shift accordingly. If the new date is after the profile end date, the profile will be deleted and the start date of the next profile is shifted.
- If you shift the contract start date, the field Start date of regular period of the turnover profile will be updated accordingly.
- If you shift the contract end date, the end date of the turnover profile will shift accordingly and the profile period will be recalculated based on the new end date. If the end date is moved to an earlier time, the profile will be deleted if the new end date is before the start date of the profile. The previous profile will be shortened accordingly.
For more information on working with contracts, see Contracts.