Language data fields
Language code
An acronym identifying a language. Typically, a language code consists of three characters, for example ENG for British English. Entering the language code is mandatory.
Enter the name of the selected language, for example English. This field is mandatory.
Display of regional settings
Click the picklist button in this field to open the Display of regional settings* dialog box from which you can select a language/country combination (e.g. en_GB). This field is mandatory.
Back-up language
If the selected language contains no text for a translation key, the export uses the text used in the backup language.
How this works
Each user is linked to a language.
If a translation of a transkey is not available in the language of the user, the system then falls back to the back-up language.
If the back-up language does not have this translation either, the system displays the Default translation.
Default translation
Enter the default text to be displayed if a transkey does not have text in the selected language (for example <Not translated>). This text is also used in export when the translation key and the translation key of the backup language are empty.
This text is displayed in the GUI when a new object (for example a user-defined business object) is created.
Language file name
Indicates the name of the of the last language file to be imported for the selected language.
Date latest update
Indicates the date on which the last language file was imported for the selected language.
Planon release and build
A read-only field identifying the Planon ProCenter release and build as specified in the header of the latest language file imported for the selected language. This enables you to compare the build and release of the language file with that of the application.