Supporting data : Supporting Data : Background actions : Working with the AppSuite inbox in Background actions
Working with the AppSuite inbox in Background actions
The AppSuite inbox in Background actions is an overview of all app actions sent from the mobile devices of field engineers to the back-office. In the AppSuite inbox, the various background actions can be monitored and assessed.
Background actions in the AppSuite inbox that go from In progress to Completed need no further attention.
Background actions with the Completed with error status must be investigated and possibly acted upon. They can be submitted to an application manager / Planon Support staff to be amended and queued for a retry. The following procedure is intended for them.
1. Go to System info > Background actions.
2. Select the AppSuite inbox step.
3. Create filters on the background actions to find the ones you want to investigate.
To find background actions with errors, create a filter on Status and the Has errors field with value Yes.
To find background actions coming from a specific engineer (internal tradesperson) create a filter on the Modified by and Inserted by fields.
4. Assess the background actions with errors by reading the information in the Log field.
See PMFS error overview, for a list of known errors and their meaning.
If required, you can copy the info from the Log field and Action parameters field into your communications with Planon.
Application managers or Planon Support staff can resolve some errors by adjusting the order data or the order workflow in ProCenter and queueing the background action for a retry.
Planon Support staff can resolve error messages by using the Modify action parameters action to modify the data received from the device.
5. If the problem is expected to be solved with the above methods, set the Queued status to trigger a retry.
The queued background action will be duly processed.