PMFS error overview
Code / system name / message
Could not upload photo.
This error occurs if there is a network connection problem during the upload of the photo to the file location configured in System settings.
rPss.NovaPMFS.error.ecPMFSSettingsCould NotBeRetrieved
PMFS settings could not be retrieved.
This error occurs if the Self-Service site does not contain the PMFS App settings web definition.
rPss.NovaPMFS.error.ecCouldNotFindObject ithId
Could not find {0: bo type name} with {1: bo primary key field name} {2:object id}
This error occurs if an attempt is made to read the system code of a business object that does not exist.
rPss.NovaPMFS.error.ecCouldNotSave QuestionnaireAnswers
Could not save questionnaire answers.
This error occurs if a question is answered on the device, while the question has been removed in the back-office.
rPss.NovaPMFS.error.ecNoPersonLinked oAccount
No person is linked to account {0:account name}
This error occurs if a user account is not linked to a person. Example: the Job list is retrieved via the person linked to the account. If the field engineer is not linked to a person, it is unclear which jobs are relevant.
Could not add a commlog
This error occurs if an action on the device does not have a matching PMFS action in the back-office (version mismatch).
rPss.NovaPMFS.error.ecNoValidStandard rderFound
No valid standard order found
This error occurs if a service request or suborder is added on the device based on a standard order, while that standard order has been removed in the back-office.
rPss.NovaPMFS.error.ecNoValidParentOrder ound
No valid parent order found
This error occurs if a suborder is added on the device, while the main order is deleted in the back-office.
File location is not configured. File location is required for storing photos and sign-off
This error occurs if there is no file location configured in System settings and a field engineer adds a photo on the device or tries to add a signature.
NOFS_0015 / PMFS_0015
The data cannot be synchronized. The 'Save' action is not available on the order.
This error may occur in the following circumstances:
the user is not authorized to save orders
the order is archived
the order has been canceled
Unable to update Order number {0:orderNumber} as state transition from {1:fromState} to {2:toState} is not available.
This error occurs if you configured a specific status while there is no status transition from the current order status to this configured status.
PMFSOrder.ecStateTransitionNotAvailableFor ctionReasonConfig
Unable to update the state for Order number {0:orderNumber} as state transition is not available from ( {1:fromState} ) to any of the states configured for action : {2:actionName} - {3:reasonName}.
This error occurs if you configure a specific status for action+reason while there is no status transition from the current order status to this configured status.
PMFSOrder.ecStateTransitionNotAvailableFor esumeWork
Unable to resume the order {0:orderNumber} from current status {1:currentState}.
This error occurs if you resume work for an order in the SLA Wait status and the status transition is not available for the action. The order will remain in the SLA Wait status (SLA stop the clock).
Errors starting with PN_U are user extension errors. In that case, you may want to check your TMS and contact your TMS consultant.