Core TSIs : Spaces and workspaces : CAD Integrator in Spaces & Workspaces : Batch printing CAD Integrator drawings
Batch printing CAD Integrator drawings
You can download and convert CAD Integrator drawings as PDF files into a compressed (.zip) file and, if required, print them. This process is called 'batch printing'.
You can filter on specific components so that only specific spaces are colored/ highlighted, and batch print them. For example, you can select space mapping for Space occupancy and filter on office spaces, so that you will see only office spaces on each floor.
•    If Automatic coloring is set to Yes in CAD Integrator settings, and when you batch print the drawings, same color is displayed across all floors for a space mapping type.
•   Batch printing can only be applied if there is at least one space from your selection in the Spaces element list.
•    You can download a maximum of 300 floor drawings.
1. On the CAD Integrator actions panel, click the CAD Integrator batch print button.
The Batch print options dialog box opens.
screen capture of Spaces and Workspaces TSI displaying Batch Print Options dialog boxscreen capture of Spaces and Workspaces TSI displaying Batch Print Options dialog box
2. Select a mapping type from the space mapping list.
You can only select one 'space mapping type' at a time for batch printing. However, you can select multiple properties in the Properties selection level and download the CAD drawings belonging to the same 'space mapping type' but of different properties.
3. To batch print CAD Integrator drawings as PDF files with layer configuration, select a layer configuration from the list and click OK.
To create, activate and delete a layer configuration, see Working with layers and layer configurations.
The Save to PDF dialog box opens.
screen capture displaying Save to PDF dialog box
4. If required, set the page size, orientation, printing scale, background color, logo and indicate whether the construction drawing should be printed.
5. Click OK.
The Processing batch print operation window opens and the process of compressing all the CAD Integrator drawing PDFs in the selected space mapping type begins. The progress of compression is displayed as a bar on the same window.
The compression process is much fast if the batch printing window is the current window in the browser. If you navigate to any other window, the performance of the batch print decreases.
6. After the process is completed, click the Download zip button (which is activated) to download the compressed file in to your local drive.
In the downloaded folder, you will find a folder for each selected property with CAD drawing PDFs (per floor).