Splitting an occupancy
You can create a new occupancy by splitting an existing occupancy of a workspace.
1. Go to Space usage > (Free) Workspaces > Occupancies.
2. Select the occupancy record you want to split.
3. Click the Split occupancy on the action panel.
4. Enter the Split date. This is the start date of the new occupancy.
5. Click OK.
You have now split the occupancy. The new occupancy will inherit the data from the selected occupancy on the moment of the split. The end date of the selected occupancy record, active on the split date, will be changed automatically to one day before the start date of the new occupancy record. The end date of the new occupancy record will be the same as the original end date of the first selected occupancy record.
After splitting, if the new occupancy is not active on the reference date, it is not visible in the element list. Deactivate the reference date in order to view all occupancies.