Ending and resuming workspaces
In Planon ProCenter workspaces can be ended and resumed, using the End workspace and Resume workspace actions. You can end and resume only those workspaces that are not linked to an active person moveline.
If you end a workspace, any linked occupancies will also be ended.
The following procedure explains how you can end a workspace and resume it.
1. In the Workspaces selection step, select the workspace you want to end.
2. On the action panel, click End workspace, the Enter values dialog box appears.
3. Select a date on which the workspace should be ended.
4. Click OK. The workspace will be ended as per the date you just selected.
5. To resume the workspace, click Resume workspace on the action panel.
6. The workspace will be resumed on the date you selected.
If you resume a workspace, the previous occupancies are not resumed automatically. The workspace becomes available for a new occupancy.
If you want to find out which workspaces are still available, i.e. those which have no occupancy on the active reference date, you can go to the Free workspaces selection step. This selection step acts as a filter for free workspaces. The element section displays workspaces which have no occupancy linked to them on the active reference date.