Application management : Tools : SDI Configuration : Working with SDI Configuration
Working with SDI Configuration
The following topics describe how to use SDI Configuration for downloading/uploading data.
SDI Configuration...
Has a similar structure as Enterprise Talk, but:
You can only use SDI Configuration to process data onboarding definitions.
You cannot use SDI Configuration to process import-export definitions.
Does not enable you to add definitions, documents, business object definitions or fields.
SDI Configuration only works for business objects that you can import with Enterprise Talk. The following list shows business objects whose fields you cannot import:
CAD field mapping (CADFieldMapping)
Budget (BaseBudget)
Workspaces (WorkSpace)
Base question (BaseQuestion)
Asset locations (InventoryLocationAssignment)
User-translated language BOs, (such as LangBaseAsset)
To import the definition of standard orders, the following fields must be added to the layout and definition and its values must be added to the Excel sheet - even if the fields are not mandatory:
•    BusinessObjectDefinitionRef
•    RefBODefinitionUserDefined.