Batch processing
With batch processing a group of requests can be combined into one batch. Each request has a corresponding response showing their id, url and body.
The Microsoft Graph API that we use, has a request limit of 20 individual requests. If that limit is exceeded, an HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests) will be returned.
Error handling:
Syntax errors cancel the complete batch
Other errors only cancel the individual request
For now, only the /execute, /delete and /update endpoints have been implemented.
Sample batch request
When you want to replace the attribute set on an asset, a few steps need to be taken:
1. Remove the current attribute set (if there is any)
2. Attach another attribute set
3. Set the values on the new attribute set
The same example as in the Attributes on Assets section will be used here.
With id 1:
Request id 1Request id 1
And id 2:
Request id 2Request id 2
And id 3:
Request id 3Request id 3
Request id 1 returns an error, as this Asset apparently did not have an attribute set attached yet.
Request id 2 and 3 are processed correctly.
Response id 1Response id 1
With id 2:
Response id 2Response id 2
And id 3:
Response id 3Response id 3