PATHS object
This object holds the relative paths to the individual endpoints and their operations. The path is appended to the URL from the server object in order to construct the full URL. The Paths object can contain multiple Path instances.
For non-authorizable BOs, it contains 2 Path instances:
"/read/{configuration ID}"
"/lookup/{configuration ID}/{lookup_value}"
For all other BOs, it also contains a number of additional Path instances:
"/update/{configuration ID}"
"/delete/{configuration ID}"
"/changeState/{configuration ID}" (optional)
"/execute/{configuration ID}/BomAdd"
"/execute/{configuration ID}/BomSave"
and some more, mirroring the BOMs that are exposed by Planon for this specific BO.
Sample Path object:
The POST definition consists of four parts:
"description" contains a brief explanation of this operation
"parameters" list the parameters applicable for this PATH (optional)
"requestBody" allows us to retrieve the body of the request
"responses" defines what type of responses can be returned
200 when the request was successful
201 when the create request was successful
404 when an incorrect version number has been returned
422 in case of a business error
4XX in case of a client error
5XX in case of a server error
Default otherwise
As this REST API only works on POST, the other options (GET, PUT and DELETE) are not described.