Application management : Tools : REST API : Basic features : Detailed information on the body of the request
Detailed information on the body of the request
Filters in the body
The filter block in the body is used for filtering the result of a read, lookup or execute call. In the filter, multiple lines can be added, where each line functions as an AND filter.
The following operators are available:
value = true: returns all records where the given field name has a value.
value = false: returns all records where the given field name does not have a value.
returns all records that match exactly.
returns all records that do not match.
returns all records with a lesser value than the given value.
returns all records with a lesser value than or equal to the given value.
returns all records with a greater value than the given value.
returns all records with a greater than or equal to the given value.
Note: Use double quotes for strings and no quotes for numbers, true and false.
Example for Person BO
Looking for a person named ‘John’ who is working for us.
"filter": {
"FirstName": {
"eq": "John"
"EndDate": {
"exists": false
Example for UrsReservationMeetingRoom
Looking for low priority reservations on a specific day for a specific property.
"filter": {
"BeginDateTime": {
"gt": {
"date": "2022-12-22",
"time": "00:00:00"
"EndDateTime": {
"lt": {
"date": "2022-12-23",
"time": "00:00:00"
"PropertyRef": {
"eq": 8
"HighPriority": {
"eq": false