Update endpoint
The Update-endpoint is meant to update a business object defined in the endpoint definition.
In the request body there are 4 tags: filter, values, answers and arguments. In the filter tag you specify the business object you want to update. In the values tag you set the values for the properties for that business object.
It is not possible to update multiple business objects in one go. If the filter selects more than one business object, only the first one is processed.
http://{environment}/sdk/system/{version}/update/{definition name}
"filter": {
"Syscode": {"eq": 260 }
values: {
"Country": "Netherlands"
The response will contain the updated business object and the fields that are defined in the endpoint definition.
"records": [
"City": "Boxmeer",
"SysMutationDateTime": "2021-09-15T15:14:01+02:00",
"Country": "Netherlands",
"Syscode": 260