Definitions level
A REST API definition is always based on exactly one BO. Definitions can be interrelated.
The moment a REST API Definition has been created and saved, fields can be added to or removed from it, through Link field definitions on the action panel.
Initially, a definition has status Edit. All actions are allowed then.
When the definition is ready for use, it can be given status Published. Deleting it and editing it is not possible any more then.
The moment a definition should be taken out of service, it can be given status Unpublished. If that is meant to be permanent, the unpublished definition can also be deleted. If it was a temporary action, the definition can be given status Published again later.
A definition can always be created or copied but can only be updated or deleted when it does not have that status Published. When a definition is Unpublished, only the name (Configuration ID) and Comment field can be changed. When the definition still has status Edit, everything can be changed.
Business object definition
Select the BO based on which the endpoint should be created. This selection can be done only once.
Configuration ID
The value in this field is automatically generated based on the selected BO earlier. It can be updated as long as the definition does not have status Published.
The application does not accept a duplicate configuration ID.
System status
Displays the API definition's status.
Initially its status is set to Edit. By clicking the available status transitions in the action panel, the definition can be set to Published and Unpublished.
In this text field, you can enter notes related to the endpoint definition. This field can be edited at any time.
When a Published definition needs to be updated, that can be done by making a copy and editing the duplicate definition. The original definition can be Unpublished and renamed. Then, the new definition can be given the old name and can be Published. Better is to use version numbers on the different versions of your REST API definitions to prevent connected software to fail as a result of updates in the definition.
A group of REST API definitions can be given a specific status all at the same time, by using the Action on selection feature. Same goes for the Delete action.
You can export one or more REST API definitions, which will result in a zip file that can be saved on your own network. Such an export file can also be imported again. Export/import is one of the ways to transport REST API definitions between environments.
You can also transport REST API definitions through Configuration Transfer.