Arguments in the body
The arguments block is used when executing a BOM that needs arguments.
In the JSON documentation, all arguments are listed with their respective BOMs. And when arguments are missing in a request, the error message will show their names.
/execute/UsrAsset/BomDeepCopy: Making a deep copy of an asset with syscode 766.
"filter": {
"Syscode": {
"eq": 766
"arguments": {
"BOType.AssetMaintenanceChecklistItem": false,
"BOType.AssetMaintenanceServicePlan": true,
"BOType.CounterMeter": false,
"BOType.DefectListBaseAsset": false,
"BOType.GaugeMeter": false,
"BOType.Hazard": true,
"BOType.InventoryItem": false,
"BOType.InventoryItemComponent": true,
"BOType.MaintenanceActivityDefinitionAdditionalCosts": false,
"BOType.MaintenanceActivityDefinitionManHourCosts": false,
"BOType.MaintenanceActivityDefinitionMaterialCosts": true,
"BOType.StdMaintenanceServicePlanAsset": true,
"CopyNumber": 1,
"DestPropertyRef": 6,
"NrCopies": 1,
"copyDivergentDataLinkedSrvPlan": false