Parcel data
Enter a unique code for the parcel.
Select a country where the parcel is located.
Date of abstract
Select a date of last update for the legal documents (that records the activities) of the parcel.
Enter a district for the parcel location.
End date
The end date is updated when there is a change in the current dimensions of the parcel.
GPS coordinates
Enter the parcel's GPS coordinates, comma separated without spaces. [latitude coordinates,longitude coordinates]. This data is used, for example, by the Planon AppSuite app to show a job location on mobile devices of field engineers. This field can also be used in web services.
Measured area
Enter the actual measured area of the parcel.
Enter a municipality under which the parcel is located.
Enter a descriptive name for the parcel.
Parcel number
Enter a parcel number.
If available, select a photograph or a drawing of the parcel.
Registered area
Enter the registered area of the parcel.
Enter the section (assigned by the land registry) that the parcel is part of.
Start date
Specify a start date for the parcel.
Enter the subsection (assigned by the land registry) that the parcel is part of.
Select a condition under which parcel or property are occupied.
For example, Private, Open access, Communal, State etc.