Project fields
Actual end date
Use the date picker in this field to enter the project's actual end date.
Actual start date
Use the date picker in this field to enter the project's actual start date.
Assessment overview
Displays the indicator code, recent assessment value, and the recent comment for the selected project.
Budget type
Select an appropriate budget type from the list.
Select Capital expenditure, if the budget type of your project is CapEx.
Select Operational expenditure, if the budget type of your project is OpEx.
A calendar that will be used to schedule all WBS items in the project. If this field is not filled, by default, a 24/7 calendar is used. Click on the reference icon to select a relevant calendar from the list. For more information on Configuring a calendar structure, refer to the System Settings part of the Planon ProCenter documentation.
Enter a code for the project. This field is mandatory.
Costs excl. VAT
Select No, if you want to calculate budgets based on costs including VAT and Yes if you want to exclude VAT.
The Costs excl. VAT setting is by default taken from the General settings in Planon ProCenter .
Enter a name for the project.
Has conflict
Displays whether the project contains WBS items with a planning conflict. The default value of this field is F (false). If any of the WBS items of the project has a planning conflict, the value of this field automatically changes to T (true).
Planned end date
The end date of the project. If the project has WBS items and a project planned start date, this end date will be calculated by Planon ProCenter and is a read only field.
Planned start date
Use the date picker in this field to enter a start date for the project. If no start date has been filled, the project cannot be calculated.
Project classification
Select a project classification from the list. Classifications can be used to group projects. Project classifications are added and maintained in Supporting data . See Project classifications.
If relevant, enter a property associated with the project.
Responsible manager
If applicable, select a person from the pick list who will be responsible for managing the project.
User-defined status
Displays the system status of the project.