Adding a contract price list
After you have completed the configuration of the unit pricing library, you can proceed with configuring unit pricing for specific contracts: contract price lists.
1. In Customer contracts, select the relevant customer and contract.
2. Navigate to the Service contract line level > Contract price lists step.
3. On the action panel, click Add.
4. On the data panel, fill in the relevant data.
5. Click Save.
6. On the action panel click Link properties.
7. In the Link properties pop-up, select the properties you want to link to the new price list.
You can choose to have the contract price list apply only to the linked properties, by setting the
Applicability field to
Specific. See the
Applicability field description for more information.
8. Click OK.
9. On the action panel click Link UPL products.
10. In the Link UPL products pop-up, select the products from the unit price list that you want to link to the new contract price list.
11. Click OK.
The links to properties and products are displayed on the Contract price lists layout and on the Service agreements level.
When the configuration of the contract price list is complete, set its status to Active on the action panel.