Service providers : Product unit pricing : Configuring unit pricing for customer contracts : Adding exceptions and volume discounts to a contract price list
Adding exceptions and volume discounts to a contract price list
You can define exceptions to the existing product prices in the linked contract price list.
1. In Customer contracts, select a relevant customer and contract on the respective selection levels.
2. Navigate to the Service contract line level > Contract price lists step.
3. Select a relevant contract price list.
4. Navigate to Service agreements > Linked UPL products and select the linked product for which you want to create an exception.
5. Navigate to Service terms > Product exceptions.
6. On the action panel, click Add.
7. On the data panel fill in the relevant fields.
See Product exceptions - fields, for the field descriptions.
8. Click Save.
9. Select Link properties on the action panel, to link properties to the product exception.
These linked properties are important when defining the applicability of the product exception in the Applicability of product exception field. You can have the product exception apply only to the linked properties, by setting the Applicability field to Specific. See the Applicability of product exception field descriptions for more information.
10. If you want to apply volume discounts to the product exception, navigate to Life cycles > Product exceptions - volumes to either add a volume discount based on product price, or apply a discount percentage. The Exception type of the product exception determines which volume discount you can add. The functionality of the fields is the same as that of the Product volume fields fields.