App license is maintained in the Licenses TSI, but you can also maintain the app license directly in the AppCenter TSI itself.
AppCenter TSI
Here, you can add a new license or update an existing license. The information will be shown in the app's License info tab.
License sub- types
A license key is required to activate an app (except for apps created by yourself - when you have an IDE license).
Named user
This license type restricts the number of users that are linked to the app (through their user groups).
License main types
Each of these sub-types could be present as either the following (main) type:
a regular license.
a test license (can be used to test apps in a non-production environment).
a trial license (can be used to try out apps in non-production environment - see Free trial (Marketplace).
For apps implementing a JAX-RS endpoint, a check will be performed to verify that only users linked to the app that implements this endpoint can access it.
A standard named user license check will verify wheter the number of linked users does not exceed the number in the license and its expiry date.
When you link a user to an app (or change the users in a user group) and there is a named users license for the app, then the number of linked users is checked.
Each license can have an expiry date. After this date, the app can no longer be used.
For more information, see licensing.