Platform : Platform apps : Apps Management : App license delivery
App license delivery
Regular app licenses are now included delivered via the Planon license.
On loading the Planon license, the app licenses are created/updated and (when registered to the Marketplace) the apps will be downloaded and installed automatically.
How it works
1. When loading the Planon license, a check is performed to see if the Planon license contains (an) app license(s).
If this is true, a log entry is created in Log viewer for tracking purposes (Source: App license installation).
2. When this is done, another check is performed to verify whether a Platform account has been specified (System settings).
If this is not the case, the application will revert to using the CloudAdmin account.
If the CloudAdmin account is not available (for example for on-premise customers), the app licenses will NOT be created and a log entry is created.
•    Failure to set the account will be logged in the log entry.
•    The CloudAdmin account is often removed by on-premise customers. Therefore, on-premise customers should ensure that a Platform account is specified!
•    For the app license delivery process to work, the Platform account must be linked to the 'EnterpriseServiceAPI' product definition.
3. App licenses available in the Planon licenses are subsequently processed one by one. If an app license:
Exists: it will be updated.
Does not exist: it will be created.
4. When this is completed, the log entry will be updated to reflect what has been done.
If all app licenses are processed successfully, details are specified under a header called Processed app licenses.
If app licenses cannot be processed because of an error, this too will be reflected in the log entry.