Calculating circularity scores for assets
Now that the assets are linked to their respective building parts, you can proceed with calculating the circularity scores for the assets.
An asset can consist of multiple building parts. However, the results are calculated at asset level: the total of the linked building parts.
1. In the Circular property management TSI, go to the Assets selection level.
2. Select the asset(s) for which you want to calculate the circularity score.
3. On the action panel, click Calculate circularity.
Planon will now calculate the circularity score for the selected asset(s).
4. Go to the Asset circularity scores selection step to view the scores.
After calculating circularity for assets, the next step is to derive circularity results for properties. By analyzing a property and all its associated assets, valuable circularity insights can be obtained (see Calculating circularity scores for a property).