Calculating circularity scores for a property
After calculating circularity for the assets in your property, the next step is to derive circularity scores for the property.
The circularity scores for a property are compiled into a scenario (Circular property scenario). Scores can be calculated at various points in time; the scenario's calculation date determines the BCI indexes for all assets. Comparing results from different scenarios reveals changes over time. Each scenario captures a specific moment, so changes like additions, removals, or replacements of building parts due to maintenance won't affect past scenarios.
1. In the Circular property management TSI, go to the Assets selection level.
2. Calculate circularity scores - per asset - for all the assets linked to the property. See Calculating circularity scores for assets
3. Go to Property scenarios > Circular property scenarios.
4. Calculate the scenario for the property, based on the related assets.
5. Run the Building Circularity Insights system report to show the calculated results for the property.