Apps : Planon AppSuite : Planon AppSuite - configuration : User and team configuration : Blocking a user and retracting data from the device
Blocking a user and retracting data from the device
In exceptional cases, the back-office may need to retract all data from an engineer's device and block access to all modules. For example, if it is required that field engineers uninstall and reinstall the app. In such cases, it is vital that all job data is first sent from the device to the back-office to prevent data loss. Later, the job data is re-assigned, so that the field engineers can proceed with their work once they install the AppSuite app again.
1. Go to the User groups TSI and select the user group of the field engineer(s) whose data must be retracted.
2. Go to User group details > Users and select the user whose data you want to retract.
3. Go to the Settings step.
4. In the Block AppSuite user & retract all data from device? field, select Yes.
All jobs are retracted from the device of the selected engineer and access to the modules is blocked. The jobs from the devices are re-assigned to the respective field engineers. During the log-in or synchronization in the AppSuite app, it is detected when a field engineer is blocked and the data must be sent to the back-office.
*Provided the device has an internet connection, the retraction progress is indicated on screen by a 'spinning wheel'. When the spinning stops, the data has been retracted from the device. Supervisors can check in Background actions which communications have taken place.