Apps : Planon AppSuite : Planon AppSuite - configuration : User and team configuration : Configuring users for Planon AppSuite - Field Services
Configuring users for Planon AppSuite - Field Services
Use the following procedure to enable sending jobs to Field Services > My jobs on a mobile device:
1. Go to Authorization > User groups.
2. Make sure all users of the Field Services > My jobs app are linked to a relevant user group and user account.
3. At User groups > Users group details > Settings, specify a language for these users.
Do not populate the Device ID user field, since it is related to the previous generation PMFS app, which is based on a different technology. Populating this field will even obstruct the use of the new Field Services app.
4. At Product definitions, link the relevant user group(s) to the relevant PMFS product definition.
For more information on working with user groups and function profiles, see the Authorization user documentation.
AppSuite users must be authorized to:
edit orders [any relevant user-defined variants of BaseOrder]
edit work assignments [system name:WorkAssignment]
create orders (requests / suborders) [any relevant user-defined variants of BaseOrder]
make status changes for orders [any relevant user-defined variants of BaseOrder]
make status changes for work assignments [system name:WorkAssignment]
add man-hours [system name: OrderHours]
add / edit order lines [system name: OrderLine]
add / edit materials lines [system name: CatalogueItemRequestLine]
add communication logs on orders [any relevant user-defined variants of CommunicationLog]
add / edit issuings [system name: Issue]
add / edit stock transfers [system name: StockTransfer]
read personnel data (to retrieve man-hour tariffs) [any relevant user-defined variants of Person]
read property data [any relevant user-defined variants of Property]
read space data [any relevant user-defined variants of Space]
read asset data [any relevant user-defined variants of BaseAsset]
read communication logs (photos and documents) [any relevant user-defined variants of CommunicationLog]
read hazard information [system name: Hazard]
read maintenance teams [system name: Teams]
*Provided that your security settings permit it and under the condition that none of the PMFS AppSuite users have access to any navigation panel in , you can opt for a simpler and quicker user group authorization, by creating a new AppSuite user group for field engineers with Full functionality rights.