Free mobile fields
Most of the app's content cannot be configured. However, you can configure some additional order fields to be displayed on the general information screen or the additional information screen.
*Some Free mobile fields require that corresponding free fields are first configured on the Orders business object in the Field definer TSI. This must be done for the relevant field types (for example picklist, URL, reference etc.). Example: if you want to configure Free mobile URL fields, a free string field of Orders must first be set to In use in Field definer and configured as a URL field type. Then the field will become available in the pop-up of the URL fields [1-5] in AppSuite > Order settings. See the Field definer user documentation for more information on configuring free fields.
The following free mobile field types are supported:
Drop-down list field 1 - 5 [PICKLIST_FIELD1
Five free fields are available that can be configured as a Code/Descriptive picklist on the order.
Display value
For each picklist field you can select which display value should be used to be shown on the device.
Code: only the code of the picklist is shown
Name: only the name of the picklist is shown
Code+name: both code and name of the picklist are shown
Date-time field 1 - 2 [DATETIME_FIELD1-2]
System date-time fields and free date-time fields are allowed here.
Using a free field that is converted to a date-time field will not work.
Text field 1 - 5 [TEXT_FIELD1-5]
String or Freestring fields are allowed.
So if the Freestring is configured as a reference field this will not work.
Boolean field 1 - 3 [BOOLEAN_FIELD1-3]
Select a Boolean field to be displayed on the general / additional information screen.
Reference field 1 - 5 [REFERENCE_FIELD1-5]
You can use the following types of reference fields:
Fixed reference field (e.g. InventoryItemRef)
FreeInteger field that is used as a reference field.
Known issue: there are more fields listed than actually allowed, so make sure you pick a field that meets the criteria mentioned above.
Referred BO field name
For the selected business object, enter the name of the field that you want to have displayed. Only the names of text fields (type String or Freestring) are allowed as display value.
Long text field [LONGTEXT_FIELD]
Only fields on the Orders business object are allowed. They must be of the Extended string field type.
URL field 1 - 5 [URL_FIELD1-5]
*AppSuite only!
Select the URL field that you want to display on the general / additional information screen. The fields offered in the pop-up are free fields from the Orders business object that have been configured as URL fields.
On the app, end users can click on the URL field to open the URL in the 'in-app' browser or in an external browser. Also see the general setting Open URLs in external browser?: General settings - fields
The fixed sequence of the fields displayed on the device:
5. LONGTEXT_FIELD (next screen)