Core TSIs : Planned Maintenance : Executing maintenance plans : Checking a compiled maintenance plan which includes condition-based activity definitions
Checking a compiled maintenance plan which includes condition-based activity definitions
You can verify how standard activity definitions, asset activity definitions and contract activity definitions with a condition-based maintenance regime are included in a compiled maintenance plan. You can use the obtained information for work-balancing purposes.
For general information on compiling a maintenance plan, see Compiling a property-based maintenance plan.
After compilation one or more service plans with activity definitions are added to the maintenance plan. The service plans added are based on asset service plans, standard service plans and/or contract service plans.
You can check how many activity definitions are created and how specific field values of condition-based activity definitions are based on data in the Assets TSI:
Field of the activity definition after compiling
Source of field value
This value is taken from the Condition details in the Assets TSI.
Start date
This value is the Latest survey date taken from Condition data in the Assets TSI.
Asset condition detail
This value comes from the Condition data in the Assets TSI.

If multiple conditions details exist for an asset that is linked to a condition-based standard activity definition / asset activity definition / contract activity definition, then one activity definition is added to the maintenance plan per condition detail. The number of activity definitions added to the compiled maintenance plan is equal to the number of asset condition details that exist per standard activity definition/ asset activity definition / contract activity definition, linked to the asset or building element.
For asset A there are:
3 asset condition details in the Assets TSI;
1 standard activity definition;
2 asset activity definitions;
Result: (1 x 3) + (2 x 3) = 9 activity definitions are created.