Adding and editing order line records (Used materials)
You can register additional materials while you are working on a work assignment. You can do this on the app by adding an order line.
Prerequisite for adding materials: the selected work assignment must be in the Work status.
If your organization uses Planon's Demand and Supply solution (Stock management) you can add requisition lines and order the materials from a product catalog. For information on adding requisition lines on the app, see Planned, used and required materials during work.
1. On the Summary page, select the Materials block.
You are directed to Materials details.
2. Tap the Add order line button at the bottom of the screen.
3. Fill in the Add order line details form: Description, Quantity, Product unit and so on.
4. Tap Submit.
The order line is added to the Materials details page > Used tab. You can edit the order line by selecting the Edit button:
Screen capture of the pencil icon for editing
Enter your edits as required and select Submit.
The order lines are also displayed on the Engineer's overview when you complete the work.
Any materials that were already added to the order by the back-office, the so-called planned materials, are listed in the Used section. You can edit them by clicking the Edit (pencil) icon. You cannot delete them. However, it is possible to delete order lines that you added yourself on the device and that are not yet finalized. You can delete such order lines by selecting them and clicking the waste bin icon.