Apps : Planon app : Mobile assessment survey : Features of the Mobile Assessment Survey app
Features of the Mobile Assessment Survey app
Search bar to find survey units, survey assets and standard observations.
Edit button to update information.
Scan QR code button, to find an asset in the database.
Filters, to apply filter criteria and quick filters.
Summary page with various blocks that include different types of information and additional details pages, such as:
Survey details - details about the property, project and surveyor linked to the survey.
Communication logs - comments / documents / images that are communicated between you and the back-office.
Survey asset details - up-to-date information about the survey asset.
Observation details - details about the start date-time and comments of an observation.
Follow-up action details - up-to-date information about the follow-up action.
Which blocks are displayed on the Summary page depends on your configuration. Some blocks may be available as micro blocks at the top of the summary page for quick and easy access.