Apps : Planon app : Mobile assessment survey : About the Mobile Assessment Survey app
About the Mobile Assessment Survey app
The Mobile Assessment Survey app (MAS) can be used within the Planon Live app. The Planon Live app is the 'shell' application that you can download from the relevant app store. It can hold various licensed apps / app modules, such as: Planon Workplace app , the Mobile Condition Assessor app , Assets app, Mobile Observations app and Mobile Assessment Survey app .
The Mobile Assessment Survey app connects to the Surveys TSI in Planon ProCenter . Using the Mobile Assessment Survey app , you, as surveyor, can directly add:
survey units,
survey assets,
survey observations,
aggregated scores on survey assets.
In addition, you can add scores for various topics and create follow-up actions to resolve the issues reported via survey observations.
The Start page of Mobile Assessment Survey app , shows a list of available surveys for the selected property. The Search field allows you to search for surveys by entering a code or description of a survey.
Good to know: if the status of the survey project in Planon ProCenter is:
SP05, In preparation - the survey will not be available in the Mobile Assessment Survey app .
SP10, In progress - the survey will be available in the Mobile Assessment Survey app , if the status of the survey allows it (i.e. 11, In progress checked out (Ready for survey) or 12, In progress - in Planon).
SP15, Completed - the survey will no longer be available in the Mobile Assessment Survey app .
Surveys with the statuses 11, In progress checked out (Ready for survey) or 12, In progress - in Planon are shown in the Mobile Assessment Survey app . Surveys with status 10, In preparation - preparing survey in Planon ProCenter are not available in the Mobile Assessment Survey app .