Apps : Planon app : Mobile Configuration : Generic features - settings and configuration : Creating dynamic subtitles on summary pages
Creating dynamic subtitles on summary pages
You can create dynamic subtitles for all summary pages of preconfigured Planon Live app modules. This will make the summary page more intelligible and user-friendly.
Titles of Summary pages in the Planon Live app modules are configurable and translatable. The chosen static title is permanently shown on the app's summary page. Examples of summary page titles in the Planon Workplace app : Colleague details, Inventory details.
Subtitles of Summary pages can be configured to be static just like titles, but they can also be made dynamic, using macros. The Planon Live app modules include various preconfigured subtitle macros on summary pages, to implement this dynamic behavior on the app. If an app user selects a record on a summary page, the page subtitle will change accordingly, displaying the values of the newly selected record. For example, if the selected record is a person, the selected person's first and last name will be displayed (preconfigured macros). But you can add different macros as required. You could, for example, also display a person's title. Similarly, you could display an inventory item's brand alongside its name.
You can only use 'free input' text fields (field type: String) to create these macros. Reference fields, boolean fields or date-time fields will not work. Also, keep in mind that the length of the displayed text on the app is limited, so one or two macros will probably suffice.
The following procedure is an example for the Inventory module, but you can apply the general principle to all summary page subtitles.
1. In App configuration, go to Inventory and select the relevant web definition, for example Inventory.
2. On the bottom panel, expand the web definition's Start page and select the Summary page.
3. On the data panel, go to the Subtitle field and add the required macro to the relevant languages.
A subtitle can hold multiple macros. You can use separators such as brackets or hyphens to make the text more readable. If you configure two macros, the syntax could be as follows:
Example for inventory items: [&Name] ([&Brand])
4. Click Save.
On the Inventory module's summary page (Inventory details), the logged in user will see that the subtitle displays the name and (between brackets) the brand of the selected inventory item.
screen of workplace engagement app displaying Inventory details along with subtitle
If the user selects a different item, the subtitle will change accordingly.