Apps : Planon app : Mobile Configuration : PMFS Live app - Work assignments module configuration : Configuring the app : Configuring Add, Edit and Delete actions for requisition lines
Configuring Add, Edit and Delete actions for requisition lines
The following actions can be enabled on the app for Requisition lines:
The Edit action for requisition lines can be made visible on the app via the Actions tab at: Summary page > Materials details page > Used materials details page > Requisition lines (Used) details block. This action is typically used to enable adjusting a pre-filled quantity to a quantity that was actually used.
The Add a non-catalog product action for requisition lines can be made visible via the Actions tab at the Add requisition line details page. This action is typically used to enable ordering of non-catalog / non-stock products during work.
The Delete action for requisition lines can be made visible via the Actions tab at: Summary page > Materials details page > Required materials details page > Requisition lines (Required) details block. This action will only work for requisition lines which app users have added themselves on the device and which are still in the Reported status.
1. On the navigation panel, go to PMFS Live app.
2. Select the Work assignments module.
3. Select the relevant web definition and sub web definition.
4. In the bottom section of the PSS definitions panel, select the details page or block for which you want to enable an action. See the list above.
5. On the data panel, select the Actions tab.
6. Set the Is visible field to Yes.
7. Click Save.
The selected action is enabled on the app.