Key work assignment in PMFS
If there are multiple work assignments linked to an order, one or more work assignments can be marked as key work assignment. A key work assignment determines when the work order or PPM order is completed. By assigning someone a key work assignment, they are designated as 'main responsible engineer'. This means that they are responsible for updating the information on the order. The information from the non-key work assignments will only update the order details.
On the app a key work assignment can be recognized by this icon:
| If there are multiple key work assignments on an order, the last key work assignment that is updated, will also update the order. |
The main responsible engineer is responsible for:
• Completing the job that is linked to the key work assignment and - as a result - technically completing the order. This is done if the responsible engineer sets the All work completed? field to Yes.
• Filling in questionnaires that are required at the start or at the end of the work.
• Acquiring the customer's sign-off.