Apps : Planon app : Mobile Configuration : PMFS Live app - Work assignments module configuration
PMFS Live app - Work assignments module configuration
In Planon ProCenter > Live app > PMFS (Live app) > Work assignments you can customize the PMFS Live app to your needs, by configuring the Work assignments web definition.
The PMFS Live app works 'out-of-the-box', but can be customized further in the Live app > PMFS (Live app) TSI, by authorized users of Planon ProCenter . The configured Work assignments module will enable field engineers to work on site from an up-to-date list of work assignments.
Upon selecting a work assignment from the list, the field engineers get access to detailed information. Next, they can accept their work assignments and select appropriate actions that enable them to keep the back-office up-to-date while they are working at their remote location.
It is not possible for users to access Work assignments if the person linked to their user account is also linked to another user account.
With every action the engineers select or feature they use, essential time and cost related information is updated and sent to the back-office. Since internet connection cannot always be guaranteed, the module supports working offline. The job-related information is saved on the device until internet connection is restored. Technically, working offline is supported by so-called 'mobile envelopes'. See Mobile envelopes and working offline.
For more information on configuring user-defined business objects such as PPM orders or work orders in Planon, see the Field definer user documentation. For more information about the Work assignments business object in Planon, see Work assignments in the Planon WebHelp.