Apps : Planon app : Mobile Configuration : Planon Workplace app - configuration : Back-office / ProCenter settings for the Planon Workplace app
Back-office / ProCenter settings for the Planon Workplace app
Apart from the settings and configuration that you can define in the App configuration TSI, there are Planon ProCenter fields and settings that you can use to impact the app's behavior.
Personnel TSI: Hide workspace location in app? field of the Personnel business object. This field can be configured for the Personnel TSI, but does not play an active part in the back-office, except for monitoring purposes. Strictly speaking, the field does not even need to be on the Personnel layout. The value in the Hide workspace location in app? field is updated directly by app users via their Show workspace location? privacy setting on the app. When app users allow their location to be seen by other users, the Hide workspace location in app? field will switch to No on their Personnel record in Planon ProCenter .
It is important that the app users are given 'write' rights for the Hide workspace location in app? field via Planon ProCenter > Accounts > Function profiles. By default, the user's location is hidden (so in Planon ProCenter this field's default value is Yes). Once app users allow their current location to be shown via their app settings, the CAD drawing in the apps Personnel ('Colleagues') module will reveal their location to others.
Reservations TSI: Date-time settings on the reservation unit overrule app settings.
the selected calendar in the Calendar field on the Reservation unit (or on the related property's Calendar field) determines a reservation unit's bookable dates and hours on the Planon Workplace app .
the same applies to the Start date- time and End date-time of the reservation unit: app users cannot make reservations that go beyond these dates / hours.
They are thus prevented from making reservations that fall outside defined business hours, because only valid end times will be offered to them.
Reservations TSI: the value entered in the Standard order field on the Reservation unit will determine which standard reservation is used to create reservations. If it is not filled in here, the standard order that is defined on the Reservation web definition will be used instead.
Reservations TSI: if a fixed workspace from the Spaces & Workspaces TSI is linked to a flexible workspace in Reservations, the fixed workspace becomes bookable by scanning its QR code via the app. See Generating QR codes for fixed workspaces and make them bookable for more information.
Reservations business object in Field definer : set the field Booking utilized? to Yes and add it to the Reservations layout, to make it possible to check in on flexible workspaces or meeting rooms, by scanning their QR code.
Language: the Planon ProCenter language that is selected for the app user in the Accounts navigation group, at User groups > Settings > User settings, is the language shown on the app.
24-hour notation: if the 24-hour notation is set to Yes for the app user in the Accounts navigation group, at User groups > Settings > User settings, then this is the hour notation used on the app. If it is set to No, a 12-hour notation is applied.
CAD viewer font size: the selected font sizes in Planon ProCenter > Spaces & Workspaces determine the font sizes in CAD floor plans on the app (BIA viewer). You can select the relevant font sizes at Spaces > Floor attributes. The settings apply to floor plans used in the Reservations, Spaces and Colleagues app modules.