Apps : Planon app : Mobile Configuration : About Planon app - mobile configuration : Planon Live App access keys (login methods)
Planon Live App access keys (login methods)
The Planon Live app supports two ways of signing in:
via the regular Planon login
via an identity provider (SSO)
If you choose the second method, of logging in through an identity provider, the app cannot store the user credentials. As a result, users may have to log in frequently, for example after closing the app, or after session time-outs. This is not very convenient for them.
You can make this login process smoother, by having access keys generated for the app users after they sign in into the Planon Live app. An access key is a unique key that will be stored on the device and sent along with every request the app sends to the server. That way, users will only have to sign in once and they will have smooth access to the app for the duration of the access key's lifespan. This is a setting in the Security TSI.
You can enable this functionality by going to System settings > Security > Key pairs tab and selecting Yes in the Auto-key generation enabled? field. You can use the setting Auto-key lifespan (in days) to set a timespan during which the key will be valid. After the set number of days have passed, the existing key becomes invalid and app users will have to sign in once to start a new access key lifespan.
In the Planon Live app, an access key works for the duration of the selected lifespan. So keep in mind that if a person leaves the company, the only way to revoke access while the key is still valid, is to completely block the user from Planon. Just removing this person's access from the identity provider is not sufficient in this case.