Application management : Configuration : Licensing : About Licensing : How does named licensing work?
How does named licensing work?
* The named license type is deprecated and will in time be removed (when the related products go out of support). Instead, the Solution license type has been made available.
In Product definitions, user groups can be linked to named license products to provide access to the named license product.
Only users linked to the named license product can use the named license product.
It is not possible to add more (unique) users than specified in the named license.
If the number of linked users is greater than the license describes, a user group should be removed from the named license product. Alternatively, you also remove users from other user groups to be able to add a new user group to the named license product.
Planon checks against these criteria, when:
Linking the product definition to a user group.
Linking a user group to a product definition.
Adding users to a user group.
For more information on providing access to named products, see Authorization > Product definitions.