Closing amounts
For accounting purposes, Planon allows you to close contract amounts up to and including a specified date. This financial data is used for payments and accounting, so it is vital that it is correct. For this reason, you can first run a trial closure of financial and accounting data, to check whether there are any errors. As soon as you have approved this data, the amounts can be closed definitively.
For lease accounting contracts, there are different moments to close amounts:
From an invoicing perspective: amounts must be paid several days before the closure date of a financial commitment, which can be at the start or at the end of a commitment period.
From an accounting perspective: amounts must be closed for reporting at the end of an accounting period.
In Planon, financial data and accounting data can either be (trial) closed separately or combined in one go. The Combined closure? setting in Field definer allows you to specify if you want to use a combined closure or a separate closure. By default, this option is set to Yes. See Using the 'Combined closure' setting.
For more information on this setting and other contract settings, see the user Field definer documentation.
In case of a separate closure, please note that you must always first close the financial data before you can close the accounting data.
For more information on closing financial data, see Contracts. For more information on closing accounting data, refer to the following procedure.
1. At the Contracts selection level, select the contract for which you want to trial close the accounting data.
2. On the action panel, click Trial close acct. data or Acct. trial close & freeze.
You can use the trial closure to check whether the accounting data generated for a specific period is correct. It is also possible to temporarily freeze contract (line) data, for example if you want to do a last check before the final amount closure is run. In this case, use the Acct. trial close & freeze option.
3. Enter the required closure date in the Enter values window. By default, the last day of the current month is selected in the Trial closure until field. Click OK if you want to use this date. You can select another date in the Trial closure until field.
The Accounting commitments selection level of the Closure overview now displays all lease accounting data as it is on the closure date. For details on these fields, see Accounting commitment data fields. For a description of the fields that are specific for the Closure overview, see Closure date overview - accounting commitments. After you have checked and approved the correctness of this data, you can run a final amount closure (refer to the following steps).
4. At the Contracts selection level, click the contract for which you want to close the accounting data.
5. On the action panel, click Close acct. data.
All amounts of contract lines linked to the selected contract are now closed up to and including the date you specified in step 3. The data in the Closure overview now becomes final.

•    On the Contracts selection level, the Trial closure date - acct. field displays the date up to which the trial closure of amounts is valid. The Closed until date - acct. field displays the date until which contract amounts were closed.
•    You can use the Delete trial closure action to remove a trial closure. Note that this action removes the trial closure of both financial and accounting data.
If during trial closure a posting is unbalanced, Planon shows a warning and saves the posting in the Unbalanced status. You can repair an Unbalanced posting in the General ledger TSI by adding a manual journal entry. After adding this journal entry, go to the Postings level and set the posting to Balanced. Planon now checks if all the related journal entries are balanced. If this is not the case, Planon will not allow you to go from the Unbalanced status to the Balanced status. If some postings of a contract line are in the Unbalanced status, you cannot finalize these postings.