Exchange rate fields
Registration date
Enter the registration date. This is the date on which the exchange rate has been published by a financial system.
Start date / end date
Enter the start and end date of the exchange rate's period, for example, the monthly average of the month January 2017 (1-1-2017 - 31-1-2017). If you register a spot rate, you can check the valid spot rate on a certain date, i.e. the spot rate valid between the start date and end date.
Enter the exchange rate's period.
For spot rates, the Period is one day by default. If you skip a number of days in a row, the system will stretch the end date of the previous registration to make it a consecutive sequence.
For average rates, you can only specify a period of one month.
The following applies to average exchange rates:
after you have defined an initial period, the subsequent periods are automatically defined by Planon. There can be no gaps in the time line.
you can only have one average rate per currency pair
average rates are always on a monthly basis
Currency pair
Select the relevant currency pair. For more information on currency pairs, see Currency pair and Currency pair fields.
Conversion factor
If two currencies are very different, you can enter a conversion factor in this field for the conversion.
You specified a conversion factor of 0.001 and an exchange rate of 0.023. The actual exchange rate between the Iranian Rial and the US Dollar is 0.000023 (in other words: with 1 Iranian Rial, you can get 0.000023 US Dollar). The actual exchange rate is calculated by multiplying the Exchange Rate (0.023) with the Conversion Factor (0.001) = 0.000023.
Exchange rate
Specify the applicable exchange rate.
To restore an entry in a sequence, you must delete entries from its end.