Core TSIs : Lease Accounting : Lease accounting - Field descriptions
Lease accounting - Field descriptions
Contract data fields
This field displays the name of the customer to whom services are provided.
*The customer cannot be changed once the contract is active.
Contract ID of other party
Enter the other party’s contract ID (that is the code used to represent the other contracting party).
Contract group
Enter the code group and the group name that apply to the contract. A pick list is available for this field. The value in this field can be overwritten.
Contract category
Enter the contract category. For example, a contract could be a service contract or an all-in-one contract. A pick list is available for this field, and can be maintained by your organization.
Parent level
If a subcontract is added to a main contract, this field automatically shows the name of the main contract.
Enter one of the available projects from a pick list containing the projects.
For details on creating and maintaining projects, see Work Orders.
Risk category
Enter the relevant risk category from a pick list containing the risk categories.
Automatic renewal?
Specify whether automatic contract renewal applies to the contract. When selected, the renewal process automatically processes renewal options based on either priority or on date.
*The Automatic renewal feature is not supported for Lease accounting.
Payment contract?
This Yes/No field enables you to define if the amount specified in a contract is to be paid to or received from the other party. Once you have activated the contract, it is no longer possible to change this setting.
If you change the setting on a lease contract, the rentable unit is removed from all the linked lease contract lines and a warning message appears.
Option counter
This read-only field indicates the number of times the contract has been renewed.
Contract date
Enter the date the contract was drawn up.
Date effective
Enter the contract’s start date.
Planon calculation start date
Enter the date from which Planon ProCenter can use the amounts entered for its own calculations. Initially, Planon ProCenter inherits this value from the Date effective field. This date can then be modified manually, however it should never be set to a value that is earlier than that in Date effective. For more information, see Planon calculation start date in lease accounting.
Contract period
Select a contract duration from the list:
Specify the quantity for Day, Week, Month, and Year.
Depending on the period and duration selected, the End date is automatically calculated and updated using the formula given below:
End date =
Date effective + Contract period – 1 day
Example: An annual contract is valid from 1-1-2007 up to 31‑12-2007.
If you select Unknown or Undefined, the end date is not specified.
*After you have activated the contract, this field becomes read-only.
Horizon date
Specify the horizon date for lease calculations. The Horizon Date is used to determine the calculation date until which Planon creates commitments.
A contract can be for an undefined period of time, but lease calculations must have an end date. You can use the horizon date in Planon to set an end date for the lease calculations. For more information, see Using a horizon date.
End date
The contract’s end date. If a value is entered for Contract period, the end date is automatically calculated and displayed in this field. You can also manually enter an end date in this field, which will cause the Contract period to be adjusted automatically. Note that after you have activated the contract, this field becomes read-only.
If you change the Date effective, the End date is adjusted accordingly.
If you change the End date, the values in the Contract period, Next end date (for accepting and offering party), and Next notice date (for accepting and offering party) fields are adjusted accordingly.
If the contract is renewed with a renewal option, the End date is adjusted accordingly.
Actual end date
This field is only populated if a contract is terminated with a termination option and indicates the date on which the contract actually ends. The Actual end date occurs before the End date.
In possession as of
Indicates the date from which the tenant is granted access to the property / space / rentable unit.
Occupancy as of
Indicates the date on which the property / space / rentable unit was formally occupied.
Previous reconciliation date of contract amounts
Indicates the date on which the contract amounts in Planon were last compared to accounting records.
Accepting / offering contracting party
Use these fields to specify the contracting party to whom the service/goods are delivered (accepting party) and the contracting party that delivers the service/goods (offering party). The required contracting party can be selected from a pick list containing contracting parties that were defined at the Components > Contracting > parties selection step.
*Users of the Service Providers solution must take note of the following:
•    Use the Customer field instead of the Accepting contracting party field
•    If it is not desirable that the address of the Offering contracting party is automatically copied to the external tradesperson on the order, change the corresponding setting in Field definer . See: General order setting fields.
Closed until date
Indicates the date until which contract amounts have been closed.
Trial closure date - acct.
Displays the date up to which the trial closure of contract amounts is valid.
Trial closure until
Indicates the date up to which a trial closure of amounts is valid.
Closed until date - acct.
Displays the date up to which contract amounts were closed.
Cost center
Select the cost center that applies to the contract from a pick list containing the cost centers.
*A cost center is a hierarchical element. This means it can be divided into sub-cost centers. The maximum number of levels in the hierarchical structure is six.
Select the department the contract was drawn up with from a pick list. This list contains the departments added to Planon ProCenter .
External coordinator address
Select the address of the external person responsible for coordinating the task from the pick list containing the addresses of external persons.
External coordinator contact
Select the contact details of the external person responsible for coordinating the task from the pick list containing the contact details of external.
External tradesperson address
Select the company address, if an external company completes the order from the pick list containing the addresses of external companies.
External tradesperson contact
Select the contact details of the external person responsible for carrying out the task from the pick list containing the contact details of external persons.
Internal coordinator
Select the internal employee in the organization responsible for coordinating execution of the order from the pick list containing the internal employees in the organization.
Internal tradesperson
Select the internal employee in the organization responsible for carrying out the order from the pick list containing the internal employees in the organization.
Select the relevant subcontractor from the list. Selecting a subcontractor indicates that the contract is a 'subcontractor' contract.
*This field is editable only in Service Providers solution mode.
Standard cost category
Select the relevant standard cost category from a pick list containing standard cost categories.
Standard cost type
Select the relevant standard cost type from a pick list containing the standard cost types.
Indexed up to (date)
Indicates the date until which contract amounts have been indexed. This field is automatically populated.
For more information on Indexing and modifying the index numbers, see Supporting data.
Notice term - accepting party
Select the term of notice required by the accepting party when terminating a contract. You can choose the relevant unit of time (Day, Week, Month, and Year), together with the desired quantity of the selected unit.
If you change the value in this field, the value of the Next notice date - accepting party field is calculated automatically on saving the contract.
Notice term - offering party
Select the term of notice required by the offering party when terminating a contract. You can choose the relevant unit of time (Day, Week, Month, and Year), together with the desired quantity of the selected unit.
If you change the value in this field, the value of the Next notice date - offering party field is calculated automatically on saving the contract.
*The notice term specified in this field will also be used as a default when adding a termination option.
Next notice date – accepting/offering party
The value of the Next notice date field is calculated automatically in either of the following ways or a combination of both:
Specifying a Notice term on the contract
Defining contract options
If you add a contract termination option (together with a notice term on the contract), and then activate it, the next notice date is calculated automatically when you save the contract. You can also click Recalculate notice dates on the action panel to update the dates if the contract end date has passed. The earliest next notice date is taken into account.
If you apply a contract renewal or contract shortening option (together with a notice term on the contract), the next notice date is calculated automatically.
Proposed termination date
Indicates the proposed termination date for the contract. Default this is the current date + the term of notice. Note that if the In Use option of the Proposed termination date field has been set to No in Field Definer, it is not possible to terminate a contract. For details on setting field attributes in Field Definer, see Field Definer.
Prices announced up to
Indicates the date up to which prices have been announced in a price announcement letter for the selected contract.
Cash flow start date
The date from which we start recording cash flow on the contract. The payment date of cash flow assigned to this contract must be on or after this date.
Cash flow start balance
This is the payment balance on the cash flow start date.