Kiosk definition fields
General settings
Default reservation duration
Select a duration from the list to make it the default time span for reservations created in the Kiosk and Room booking panel. For example, if you select 30 minutes, reservations will by default be created for 30 minutes.
Authentication mode
This field allows you to choose the user access mode for the Kiosk and Room booking panel. Select either Smart card or Manual lookup mode.
If you select Smart card, the Kiosk or Room booking panel identifies the smart card holders. Only they can create, modify or delete a reservation.
If you select Manual lookup, all users can create, modify or delete a reservation.
In both modes, users can view and search existing reservations.
Std order meeting room
Select a standard order that must be used to create reservations for meeting rooms.
If a standard order is linked to a reservation unit (see Reservation unit fields), Planon uses this standard order as the basis for the Kiosk reservations. If there is no standard order linked to a reservation unit, Planon uses the value you enter in the Std order meeting room field in the Kiosk settings.
Std sub cleaning order
Select a standard cleaning suborder that must be used to clean the meeting room after the meeting.
The ‘Do-not-touch mode’ is available on the Kiosk and Room Booking Panel. This mode disables the touch mode and shows a QR-code for booking on the Room Booking Panel. You can use this mode in situations where touching devices is not permitted, to prevent virus contamination. It is also possible to show a ‘Sanitized’ icon, which indicates if the room has been sanitized since the last meeting.
Cleaning order statuses
Select the status that the cleaning order must have in order to be considered as 'Sanitized'.
Std order flexible workspace
Select a standard order that must be used to create reservations for flexible workspaces.
If a standard order is linked to a reservation unit (see Reservation unit fields), Planon uses this standard order as the basis for the Kiosk reservations. If there is no standard order linked to a reservation unit, Planon uses the value you enter in the Std order flexible workspace field in the Kiosk settings.
Cancel status meeting room
Select a user-defined cancellation status that must be assigned to canceled reservations in the Kiosk and Room booking panel.
Cancel status flex workspace
Select a status that must be assigned to a canceled reservation of a flexible workspace in Kiosk. For example, if you have selected the Cancelled status here, all canceled reservations will be given this status.
No. of person code characters on display
Select a number representing the number of characters of the requestor's code that must be displayed when searching for a person. The remaining characters will be masked. For example, if:
the requestor's code = 5 characters long: 00001, and
the selected field value = 2
Then the display in Kiosk and Room booking panel is as follows: ***01
Reservation statuses
Select the status(es) for which the reservations should be displayed on the Kiosk and Room booking panel. For example, if you select the Requested status here, the reservations in the Requested status are displayed in the Kiosk and Room booking panel.
Enter a code for the Kiosk definition.
Enter a relevant description for the Kiosk definition.
Use sensor data for availability?
Set this option to Yes to use sensor data to determine the availability of reservation units.
The default setting is No for a newly configured Kiosk/Room booking panel. For all existing Kiosk/Room booking panel configurations, the default setting is Yes.
'Meet now' placeholder text
Enter the text you want to be displayed on the Meet now button in the Kiosk and Room booking panel. For example, if 'Meet now' is not relevant for your business, you can change it to 'Meet today'.
Environmental information
Show environmental information on
Select the type of reservation unit (meeting rooms or workspaces) for which you want the environmental information to be displayed on the Kiosk and Room booking panel. You can choose from the following:
Meetings rooms and flexible workplaces
Only meeting rooms
Only flexible workplaces
Environmental measurement 1-3
In these 3 environmental measurement fields, you can select the measurement options that you want to be displayed on the Kiosk and Room booking panel. You can choose from the following measurements:
Carbon dioxide (ppm)
Noise (dB)
Humidity (%)
Light (lux)
Temperature (°)
Show banner if all measurements are within range
Select No if you do not want the banner to be displayed on the Kiosk when all measurements are green for the selected reservation unit. By default Yes is selected and the banner is displayed.
Banner text
Enter the text to be displayed as a banner on the Kiosk when all measurements are green. Default value for the text is: 'Recommended room quality'.
Environmental ranges
Carbon dioxide range from (ppm)
Enter the minimum value to define the acceptable carbon dioxide range in the selected reservation unit. The default value is 0.
Carbon dioxide range to (ppm)
Enter the maximum value to define the acceptable carbon dioxide range in the selected reservation unit. The default value is 1000.
Noise range from (dB)
Enter the minimum value to define the acceptable noise range in the selected reservation unit. Default is 0.
Noise range to (dB)
Enter the maximum value to define the acceptable noise range in the selected reservation unit. Default is 80.
Humidity range from (%)
Enter the minimum value to define the acceptable humidity range in the selected reservation unit. Default is 40.
Humidity range to (%)
Enter the maximum value to define the acceptable humidity range in the selected reservation unit. Default is 60.
Light range from (lux)
Enter the minimum value to define the acceptable light range in the selected reservation unit. Default is 500.
Light range to (lux)
Enter the maximum value to define the acceptable light range in the selected reservation unit. Default is 2000.
Temperature range from (degrees)
Enter the minimum value to define the acceptable temperature range in the selected reservation unit. Default is 18.
Temperature range to (degrees)
Enter the maximum value to define the acceptable temperature range in the selected reservation unit. Default is 23.
Kiosk settings
Site URL
The URL of the Kiosk is populated automatically after saving the web definition. By clicking on the link, you can access the actual Kiosk interface.
To assign the URL to a particular floor on a property, append the URL with the property code and floor code, as follows:
ksk = kiosk, BP = name of the property set, 01 = kiosk case part setting code.

You can also log in to Kiosk automatically, using basic authentication by adding a user name and password to the URL. The format for adding a user name and password to the URL is as follows: https://<user_name>:<password>@<site_address>/kiosk/ksk/BP/01/<property_code>/<floor_code>. Can result in this URL, for example:
Fixed filter
Create a filter for the reservation units. This filter determines which Space units and workspaces are displayed on the Kiosk.
For more information on filtering, refer to Fundamentals.
Refresh rate (secs)
Specify the duration in seconds for the Kiosk to refresh (update) the page.
The minimum and maximum values for the refresh rate are 10 and 900 seconds respectively. The default refresh rate is 120 seconds.
The refresh rate of Kiosk must be less than the session timeout of the Web servers.
Add reservations
Select Yes/No. If you select No, users are not allowed to create reservations on the Kiosk. Yes is selected by default.
Edit reservations
Select Yes/No. If you select No, users are not allowed to edit existing reservations on the Kiosk. Yes is selected by default.
Cancel reservations
Select Yes/No. If you select No, users are not allowed to cancel reservations on the Kiosk. Yes is selected by default.
Show requestor
Select Yes/No. If you select No, the user / requestor's name is concealed from the Kiosk. Yes is selected by default.
Show description
Select Yes/No. If you select No, the description of the reservation is concealed on the Kiosk. Yes is selected by default.
If both Show requestor and Show description fields are set to No, the room reservation displays the status Reserved on the Kiosk.
Custom label text
Enter the custom text that you want to be displayed on the Kiosk. You can use this field to convey any information to the user. For example, the person to contact in case of problems. The maximum number of characters for the text is 120.
Show upcoming reservations by default
Select Yes to display the list of upcoming reservations on the Kiosk panel.
Upcoming reservation data
Select the type of reservation units you want to have displayed in the upcoming reservations list. You can choose from:
Space unit and flexible workspace reservations
Space unit reservations
Flexible workspace reservations
Select the floors that must be made available on the Kiosk.
Do-not-touch mode on
Set this option to Yes to disable the touch mode. The ‘Do-not-touch mode’ is available on the Kiosk and Room Booking Panel. This mode disables the touch mode and shows a QR-code for booking on the Room Booking Panel. You can use this mode in situations where touching devices is not permitted, to prevent virus contamination.
Do not touch mode scroll speed
Here you can set the scroll speed of the list with upcoming meetings when you use the 'Do-not-touch' mode.
Floor panel mode
Use this setting to indicate how the floor panel in the Kiosk should be displayed by default.
Choose Collapsed to collapse the floor panel.
Screen capture of a collapsed floor panel
Choose Current floor to show information about the selected floor.
Screen capture of a floor panel with information about the selected floor
In both modes, you can expand the floor panel by clicking on it. When the floor panel is expanded, multiple floors are displayed and you can scroll through them.
Color for 'Available'
Choose the color in which the Kiosk displays the Available occupancy status of a reservation unit. The default color is: RGB 102, 195, 161.
Color for 'Soon to be reserved'
Choose the color in which the Kiosk displays the Soon to be reserved occupancy status of a reservation unit. The default color is: RGB 255, 206, 48.
Color for 'Occupied'
Choose the color in which the Kiosk displays the Occupied status of a reservation unit. The default color is: RGB 255, 82, 69.
Color for 'Selected'
Choose the color in which the Kiosk displays selected reservation units. The default color is: RGB 15, 112, 187.
You can choose to change the default colors displayed for every status. If you change a color, a Reset to default color button is displayed in case you want to restore the default color.
Color transparency (0 - 100)
Enter the transparency (alphanumerical value) of the colors displayed on the reservation units' floor plan.
Show color legend
Select Yes to display a legend for the occupancy colors.
Room Booking Panel settings
Site URL
The URL of the Room booking panel is populated automatically after saving the web definition. By clicking on the link, you can access the actual Room booking panel interface.
To assign the URL to a particular meeting room, append the URL with the meeting room code, as follows:
rbp = room booking panel, BP = name of property set, 01 = kiosk case part setting code.
If the room code is not unique, you can use the property code before the room code to identify the room based on the property. The URL will look like this: ../kiosk/rbp/BP/01/<property-code>/<room-code>
You can also login to the Room booking panel automatically, using basic authentication by adding the user name and password to the URL. The format for adding the user name and password to the URL is as follows: https://<user_name> :<password>@<site_address>/kiosk/rbp/BP/01/<room_code> For example,
Person filter
Create a filter for the Personell business object. When searching for persons on the Room booking panel, this filter determines who will be displayed there.
For improved performance, Planon recommends using this setting instead of the standard Planon authorization filters.
Refresh rate (secs)
Specify the duration in seconds for the Room booking panel to refresh (update) the page.
The minimum and maximum values for the refresh rate are 30 and 900 seconds respectively. The default refresh rate is 60 seconds.
When a large number of panels are involved (300+), Planon recommends to set this setting to a minimum of 60 seconds to avoid performance overhead.
The refresh rate of the Room booking panel must be less than the session timeout of the Web servers.
Allow early check-in
Click Yes to enable the user to check in to the meeting room 15 minutes before the actual meeting starts.
The check-in functionality is used in combination with the Planon scheduler that keeps track of reservations. If the scheduler detects that a reservation has not been checked in after a specific time (from the start time of the reservation), it will cancel the reservation automatically and make the reservation unit available/green again. In order to determine if a reservation has been utilized or not, the scheduler will look at the value in the field Booking utilized in Reservations (this value is set to Yes when users checks in).
The booking utilized fields can be configured in Field Definer > Orders > Business object settings > Reservations
Allow checkout after (minutes)
Select the duration to define the availability of Check out button for the user after a meeting is started. The duration can be selected from a range between 0 to 15 minutes.
Add reservations
Select Yes/No. If you select No, users are not allowed to create reservations when tapping on the Room booking panel time line. Yes is selected by default.
Cancel reservations
Select Yes/No. If you select No, users are not allowed to cancel reservations on the Room booking panel. Yes is selected by default.
Edit reservations
Select Yes/No. If you select No, users are not allowed to edit existing reservations on the Room booking panel. Yes is selected by default.
Show requestor
Select Yes/No. If you select No, the user/requestor name is concealed on the Room booking panel. Yes is selected by default.
On the Room booking panel, when you select a reservation, the Requestor name is derived from the Internally assigned by field in the Reservations TSI. If the Internally assigned by field is empty, then the name in the Requestor field will be displayed.
Show description
Select Yes/No. If you select No, the description of the reservation is concealed from the Room booking panel. Yes is selected by default.
If both Show requestor and Show description fields are set to No, the room reservation displays the status Reserved on the Room booking panel.
Custom label text
Enter the custom text that you want to be displayed on the Room booking panel. You can use this field to display user information. For example, a contact person or number they can call in case of problems. The maximum text length is 120 characters.
Device type
Select the relevant option to disable / enable device functionality that is supported by a device, such as LED lights.
Default - No extra functionality.
IAdea series - Controls the colors of LED lights on the device to indicate occupancy.
Use legacy app
Use this setting to switch between the old and new app for Kiosk and Room Booking Panel.
Do-not-touch mode on
Set this option to Yes to disable the touch mode. The ‘Do-not-touch mode’ is available on the Kiosk and Room Booking Panel. This mode disables the touch mode and shows a QR-code for booking on the Room Booking Panel. You can use this mode in situations where touching devices is not permitted, to prevent virus contamination.
Show QR code
Set this option to Yes to show a QR code on the Room Booking Panel also when you are not using the ‘Do-not-touch mode’.
QR code error correction
Set the error correction level either to Low, Medium, Quartile or High.
It is recommended to select Medium, because codes generated at the medium level can be scanned faster by the apps and are suitable for office environments. If there is a need to create QR codes for industrial places, select the High error correction level. This allows codes to be scanned even if they are partly covered. The scanning, however, will be slower if this setting is used.
Color for 'Available'
Choose the color in which the Room booking panel displays the Available occupancy status of a reservation unit. The default color is: RGB 102, 195, 161.
Color for 'Soon to be reserved'
Choose the color in which the Room booking panel displays the Soon to be reserved occupancy status of a reservation unit. The default color is: RGB 255, 206, 48.
Color for 'Occupied'
Choose the color in which the Room booking panel displays the Occupied status of a reservation unit. The default color is: RGB 255, 82, 69.
You can choose to change the default colors displayed for every status. If you change a color, a Reset to default color button is displayed in case you want to restore the default color.
Cached data
Get cached data
Select Yes to get the data from cache. If you select No, Room booking panels get the occupancy information directly from the database. This will impact the performance considerably when a large number of panels are running concurrently. It is always recommended to have this setting to Yes unless a small number of panels are used (up to 30).