Core TSIs : Health & Safety : About the Health & Safety solution
About the Health & Safety solution
Planon's Health & Safety solution is designed for health and safety (EHS) officers, who are responsible for analyzing and registering the risks that employees face in the workplace and for informing them adequately and timely about this. Health & Safety can be configured in such a way that the Planon applications will give health and safety information at the right time, at the right place and to the right people:
The Hazard catalog TSI is where you define the types of hazards that apply to your organization.
The Hazard registry TSI contains important master data for your Health & Safety solution. You can use it to register, configure and locate all relevant hazards. Registration is done per property, space, asset or activity type. The registry is the single source of information with respect to the hazards in the workplace and the hazards that will potentially affect maintenance staff. A properly maintained hazard registry supports you in:
complying with legislation.
organizing risk management activities.
providing objective evidence of the risk management process and assurance of the effective management of hazards.
continuously updating data throughout the life cycle of properties, spaces and/or assets.
adequately informing the maintenance staff.
A hazard is considered to be 'closed' if the safety risks associated with the identified hazards have been reduced to a level that is acceptable to the system owner and will not harm the workforce.
In the Health & Safety TSI you create links between the hazards from the Hazard registry and the work-related activity types during which these hazards may occur.
In addition, you can link appropriate risk assessments (+ LMRA questionnaire) and method statements to work-related activity types.
End users will see the configured health & safety information in the following applications:
Planon AppSuite - Mobile Field Services - tradespeople / engineers are warned in advance against the hazards they may encounter in the workplace and - more specifically - during which type of activities.
Planon ProCenter Web Client - Orders - the Show hazards action enables you to quickly check hazards related to an order and/or maintenance activity.
Via cross module links you can view hazards related to properties, spaces and assets.
In the Permits TSI, H&S officers can categorize, define and validate permits to work. To support the back office, they can also configure a context-based process for automatically generating permits and linking these permits to the applicable new work orders or PPM orders.
See the Permits entry in the Planon WebHelp for more information about this TSI and the configuration of the automated process.